Thursday, February 27, 2020

International business envioronment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

International business envioronment - Essay Example However what is required at the present is an understanding that things need to be properly aligned so that the problems which center the economic grounds cease to exist and thus provide all and sundry with a sigh of relief – one that is free of any form of anguish, economic disparity and woe, as one might put it. The chances of Germany coming back on the rails of success as far as the economic activities are concerned are manifold and one needs to understand as to what exactly are the undertakings on the part of the German authorities when the talk goes out loud of the German economy and the related measures that are being taken under the same auspices. The reasons as to why Germany is actually experiencing economic crisis lies in comprehending that the Germans are indeed the main reasons behind the very same. Only if the thinking mindset of the Germans as concerns to their economy and the future growth of the country in the long term perspective can change, there surely coul d be light at the end of the tunnel and thus positives could be drawn from the current quagmire in which Germany is in reality caught up. Unemployment has also been a bane for Germany in the recent past which has contributed in a negative manner towards the economic basis of the country. Add to that, the lack of different resources and more so the shortfall of skilled employees and specialists meant that Germany was in for a tough time at the hands of the economic parties. It had to take care of its financial basis in the light of the changing economic climate and for that Germany had to seek measures outside of its chosen boundaries. In other words, Germany had to look elsewhere in order to find out the exact problem with its undertakings that it had carried out over a period of time. The help sought from the World Bank and International Monetary Fund (IMF) is some of the options that are listed under the German

Monday, February 10, 2020

Self. Consciousness and awareness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Self. Consciousness and awareness - Essay Example ?a thinking intelligent Being, that has reason and reflection, and can consider it self as it self, the same thinking thing in different times and places† (Locke, 9). Locke states that as far as the consciousness can be extended to some past action or thought, so far can the identity of the person reach – therefore he correlates identity of a person with his consciousness. It is clear that John Locke makes a distinction between body and consciousness (â€Å"a man† and â€Å"a person†). For him these two notions are not the same. Man accounts for body and spirit, and person accounts for reason and reflection. Locke says that if a person would remember some things from his past, he would not be the same person, but nevertheless can be the same man. A big role is played by memory in Locke’s idea of personal identity. To explain his theory about separation of man and person, Locke gives a few examples. He states, for example, that if a prince and a cobbler would change bodies than a personal identity would be where the consciousness is. Another example is if Heliogabalus would turn into a pig, he would be the same person, but not a man. If a parrot holds rational, self-aware conversations, then he is a person, but not a man. These examples confirm Locke’s theory on separation of body and self. (Locke, 8, 15) Locke believes that if the body dies, the self is transferred into a new body, but it remains the same self, and therefore – the same identity, because identity, according to Locke, is independent of body. Locke does not identify consciousness with substance. He gives an example of a hand, being cut off the body. At that point, it becomes separate from the body, the substance of the body has changed (it does not have one hand anymore), but the consciousness did not change, and this is the same person (Locke, 11) John Locke states that consciousness unites actions into the same person. It is consciousness that unites actions different in time into the