Thursday, November 21, 2019

Investigation Tourism Marketing Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Investigation Tourism Marketing Report - Essay Example In 1976, the Tourism Society of England defined it as "Tourism is the temporary, short-term movement of people to destination outside the places where they normally live and work and their activities during the stay at each destination. It includes movements for all purposes."2 some components such as hotel room or accommodation for their visitors, coach and the variety of meals, even sometimes banking services also provided to the customer from this industry. The main aim of this report is to conduct an audit of the business environment (based on P.E.S.T & Porter's five forces model analysis) on Royal Bengal Airlines and conduct an Opportunity & Threat analysis on the basis of environmental audit and defining its service provided to its consumer and its marketing (partially) area from the country (Bangladesh) perspective. "A collaboration of a group of professionals who shared the same vision decided to be proactive and form RBA in early 2006. The team has evolved quickly and continues to grow from strength to strength. The founding members are UK based and come from a wide range of backgrounds and bring with them vast experiences from the business, academic and aviation world. The visionaries and the founders of RBA have been working towards this project since 1991. Due to various restrictions and limitations in the early nineties it was not possible to move the project forward"3. The growth in the Asian economy, in particular the travel sector within Southeast Asia, has created an opportunity in the market for a new airline. RBA was born as a direct result of this, with the aim of utilizing the potential development of the Asian market and turning this into a profitable and successful airline venture. To analyze the environment of RBA, it's needed to conduct an audit (based on PEST analysis and Fiv e force model analysis). "The simple acronym PEST (stand for political, economical, social and technological) serves well as an aide-memoire when considering the array of environmental forces influencing business activity. Pest analysis assembles a logical and comprehensive picture of the environment"4. By conducting an analysis (PEST) on RBA's environment, it has seen that the organization is in an excellent situation such as the political allaince between both country UK and Bangladesh is good enough to do business. Economic and Technological relation between these countries is higher such as Bangladesh export garments products to UK and Uk export technological product such as machineries, computers and other engineering technologies. As a result company takes economical (in the side of currency sharing) and technological advantage here. The social bond between two countries is higher as there is a cultural sharing and accepting tendency and RBA performing their Corporate Social Responsibility program in B angladesh. Afterbevluation it can be said that the PEST analysis goes in faovor of RBA. The another analysis is "Five Force Model analysis". "The Porter's 5 Forces tool is a simple but powerful tool for understanding where power lies in a business situation. This is useful, because it helps to understand both the strength of your current competitive position, and the strength of a position." Five Forces Analysis assumes that there are five important forces that determine competitive power in a situation. These are thoroughly given below: Supplier Power: It assesses how easy it is for suppliers to drive up prices. This is driven by the number of suppliers of each key input, the

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