Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Managerial Decision Making and Managerial Innovation

Question: Discuss about the Managerial Decision Making and Managerial Innovation. Answer: Problem background: In recent years, the demand of workplace has been increasing in an effective manner. Nowadays, employees spend long hours at the workplace due to huge workload. In this context, the organization has been focusing on enhancing their production within short span of time (Wood, Cogin Beckmann, 2009). Consequently, the higher management has been pressurised the employees for increasing their working hour so that they can involve more time on the production (Shanafelt et al., 2012). Hence, the employees are unable to obtain work life balance. However, some of the employees have been suffering stress and other physical problems. Due to this unethical practice of the management, most of the employees have decided to flash this particular news on the local media (Wiese, 2015). On the other hand, the employees believe that the social media would be the best platform for flashing this news. SWOT analysis of the problem Strength the prime strength or the benefit of the work life balance is the improved staff morale and engagement it facilitates the employees to avoid absenteeism and health cost it also helps in recruitment, retention and diminish the employee turnover in the business Weakness Most of the time, the organization is unable to provide flexible work life due to the requirement of high production The particular organization has no clear strategic direction for diminishing the particular issues. On the other hand, the internal operating problems can occur due to poor work-life balance in the business. Opportunity By providing the work-life balance, the organization will be able to increase its production level. The particular organization could motivate employees by providing the healthy work life With the engagement of the work-life balance, the organization would be able to reduce their employee turnover. Threats The particular organization can face challenges in conducting the business, as the employees spread the news on social media. The lack of work life balance can create physical issues that can damage the workforce The poor work life balance can cause loss of sales substitute in the business. On the other hand, it slows down the market growth rate of the business PEST analysis: Political Due to the lack of government policy on work-life balance, the organization is least bother about healthy work atmosphere at the workplace. The local government should focus on developing new legislation for work-life balance, as employees pay tax to the government Economical The Gross Domestic Product per capita is very low due to low production in the business. On the other hand, the high-interest rates create challenges for the business to maintain adequate growth rate. Social In the particular organization, the dominant religion is Christian and the management does not allow diverse culture in the workplace. The organization has biased behavioral approach towards women, as they avoid in promoting female employees Technological the organization has not introduced any technological change that could facilitate employees to execute work in an effective manner Due to the lack of technological innovation, the employees are unable to obtain healthy work life. Problem definition: Work-life balance is one of the key components that enable employees to deliver high class performance in the business (Deepika Rani, 2014). In this particular case, the organization has suddenly increased the working hours for employees to obtain high production. Consequently, employees have to spend 12-14 hours at the workplace which creates the mental illness and family disturbance. By considering the 5Ws Root cause analysis, the problem can be defined in an appropriate manner (Barletta, 2012). What: the organization needs to understand the issues of employees. In the idle situation, the organization should provide flexible work atmosphere to the employees. By reducing extra work load from the employees, the organization could improve the situation. Where: the physical structure or the location of the problem is in the workplace itself. When: the problem arises during the work timing when employees feel overburdened with the workload. Who: this particular problem has been affecting the employees and their performance. Due to the extra workload, employees are unable spend extra time with their family at home. Why: the prime rationale of the issue is that the organization wants to improve its production line within small amount of time. Consequently, the management is forcing the employees to deliver extra hour of works at the workplace. Figure 1: 5Ws root cause analysis (Source: Jones, Burke Westman, 2013) Solution generation: An effective work life can be provided to the employees by simply allowing them for flexible work shifts. In this particular scenario, the organization can enhance its work force to meet their expectation (Jones, Burke Westman, 2013). Consequently, it would not create any challenges for the existing employees. On the other hand, the flexible work shifts would also facilitate the organization in delivering balanced life to the employees (Blanchard, 2012). In the rotational shift format, the employees can choose shifts according to their personal work schedule. Consequently, it would be beneficial for the organization to improve the production of the business within short span of time. By analysing the De Bonos Six Thinking Hats, the solution can be generated for the particular issue. Red hat If the organization reacts to the emotions of the employees, they must reduce the shift timing for reducing the extra workload of the staffs at the workplace. On the other hand, the organization could implement extra monetary benefits for conducting overtime at the workplace. White hat By analyzing the facts and figures, in recent days, the organization has experienced huge employee turnover due to imbalanced work-life challenges. Consequently, the production of the organization can be extended due to the low workforce. The sales margin of the business got decreased due to low quality products manufactured by employees. Black hat To implement the appropriate changes in the workplace, the higher authority or the management needs to accumulate the feedbacks from their existing employees. It can be assessed that the management needs to impose logical judgment to reduce this particular issues from the workplace. Green hat The management needs to implement creative solution for diminishing the particular issue. The organization can allow the employees to execute the work from home so that they can lead a stress free life. Rotational shift is another way of reducing the absenteeism at the workplace. The employees should be rewarded by the monetary benefits for delivering extra hour of work in the workplace. Employee recognition is another important part of motivating employees in the workplace. Blue hat The process of change needs to be executed in a systematic manner so that the workflow can be maintained at the workplace. In the thinking process, the organization needs to involve the employees for accumulating their individual thoughts on the issue. At the initial stage of the changing phase, the organization is required to distribute the workload equally among the employees and the management needs to enhance the workforce in the business. Yellow hat By implementing the change in the business, the organization will be able to improve the staff morale along with the high production in the business. On the other hand, the management will be benefitted due to decreased employee turnover The work-life balance will ensure the organization for long-term sustainability in the business. Solution evaluation: The organization can improve the situation by implementing flexibility at the workplace. Most of the time, the management avoid taking feedbacks from the employees regarding new strategy implementation (Richmond Rohlfing, 2013). The management could implement several strategies for diminishing the particular issue from the business. The organization could provide high monetary benefits for working extra time at the workplace. On the other hand, the management can maintain work life balance considering several facts including flex time, compressed workweek; job-sharing, telecommuting, and permanent and part-time work arrange (Burg-Brown, 2013). By analysing the decision-making process, the solution of the issue can be identified in an appropriate manner. Decision-making process: The decision making process consists of six stages including identification of problem, analysing issue, developing the alternative solutions, selecting the best solution, converting the decision into action and following up the taken action (Freeburg et al., 2014) Problem identification: The basic problem at the workplace is that the employees are unable to lead a balanced life due to huge workload (Goldfarb et al., 2012). Consequently, the management of the organization has been facing employee turnover issue that affect the production. Moreover, the employees have decided to take the legal action against the management. Hence, it might damage the brand reputation of the business. Analysing issue By analysing the issue, it can be assessed that the organization has been facing challenges in executing business in an appropriate manner due to lack of work flexibility. The management is least bother to provide extra benefits to the employees for motivating them at the workplace. Consequently, the particular issue is hampering the business. Developing the alternative solution: There are several options available for the management to diminish the work life challenges from the business. The management could implement flex time, compressed workweek, job-sharing, and telecommuting process at the workplace for reducing the extra stress of the employees (Kim, MacDonald Andersen, 2013). On the other hand, the organization could enhance the workforce for reducing the workload from the existing employees of the company. Moreover, the management could arrange extra monetary benefits for the employees who worked overtime at the workplace. Best solution selection: The best solution for reducing the work life challenges is to implement the flexible and rotational shift timing with high monetary benefits. By implementing the particular strategy into the business, the management could ensure work life balance for the employees. Decision making: For implementing the particular strategy into the business, the human resource management needs to include different shift timing for the employees (Zsambok Klein, 2014). Moreover, the organization needs to increase the investment of the business for providing extra monetary benefits to the employees. Follow up the taken action: After implementing the process, the organization needs to implement a monitoring process for tracking the progress of the business. The management would engage 6months timeframe to track the process. If there are any flaws then the management will change the strategy accordingly. Figure 2: Decision-making process (Source: Damanpour Aravind, 2012) Implementation and action plan: The organization needs to identify the driving forces and restraining forces for understanding the process of change. In this particular situation, the prime issue is that the employees are unable to lead a health and balanced life due to huge work pressure at the workplace (Marcek, 2013). On the other hand, the lack of work life balanced has been causing the high employee turnover in the business. By developing the force field model, it will be easier to identify the process of change. Force field model analysis: Driving forces and restraining forces are listed in the below table: Driving forces: Scores High workforce management 4 High employee morale 3 Huge productivity in the business 5 Total Scores 12 Restraining forces: Scores Providing extra cost to the employees 3 Allowing employees to execute flexible shifts 2 The organization can face conflicts from employees 3 Total Scores 8 By analysing the above table it can be identified that the driving forces are high work force management, high morale and high productivity. The total score of the driven force is 12. On the other hand, the restraining forces are extra cost for employees, providing flexible shifts and to face the employees conflicts at the workplace. The total scores in the restraining force are 8. Consequently, the high score of the driving forces indicate that the organization needs to provide the work life balance to the employees for obtaining high growth in the business. Figure 3: Force field model on work life balance (Source: Created by author) References: Barletta, J. (2012). Work-life balance.Home Therapist: A Practical, Self-help Guide For Everyday Psychological Problems, The, 3. Blanchard, M. H. (2012). Work life balance?.Obstetrics Gynecology,119(1), 177-179. Burg-Brown, S. (2013). Work-life balance.Journal of Property Management,78(4), 48-54. Damanpour, F., Aravind, D. (2012). Managerial innovation: Conceptions, processes, and antecedents.Management and Organization Review,8(2), 423-454. Deepika, M., Rani, M. M. (2014). WORK LIFE BALANCE. Freeburg, M., LaBrozzi, R., Mamberg, M., O'Connor, E., Wu, T. C. T. (2014). Work/Life Balance?. Goldfarb, A., Ho, T. H., Amaldoss, W., Brown, A. L., Chen, Y., Cui, T. H., ... Xiao, M. (2012). Behavioral models of managerial decision-making.Marketing Letters,23(2), 405-421. Jones, F., Burke, R. J., Westman, M. (2013).Work-life balance: A psychological perspective. Psychology Press. Kim, H., MacDonald, R. 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