Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Divorce Rate Of Married Couples - 880 Words

Throughout the continental United States, the divorce rate among married couples is approximately â€Å"forty to fifty percent† according to the American Psychological Association (APA). Although this is a simple figure, this essentially means the sanctity of marriage has dissipated for half of the U.S. This figure pertains to the marriage between two adults, but the people being affected the most by the divorce are the children. Children of divorce are often guilty of blaming themselves for the marriage failure. My parents divorced when I was three years old, and, thankfully, I do not remember anything about their proceedings in the divorce. Their divorce has played a significant role in the aspect of the person I have become today. Divorce has become too important of an issue to ignore. According to the American Psychological Association, at least half of the children in the United States will experience divorce by the time they turn eighteen. In some cases, the marriage can be repaired through counseling, communication, or some other form of help. However, in some cases, the marriage will fail and divorce is the only remaining option. When this happens, the parents must know how to explain it to their child. If not, they may grow up blaming themselves for the parents’ failed marriage. It is crucial that the parents make the divorce as easy as possible on the children so it will not change who they are or their outlook on life. To make divorce as easy as possible on yourShow MoreRelatedThe Divorce Rate Of Japan996 Words   |  4 Pages Divorce Ever since the 1950’s, the rate of divorce has been increasing immensely to a degree that it is becoming socially acceptable. It is losing its stigma as well. Most divorces in the world have similar reasons and statistics as to why divorce is becoming more common, but also have some differences. 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